Christmas Eve, December 24th 2010

I hope you are done with your shopping, wrapping, baking and whatever. The queen says what isn’t done strays undone.

The dustbin man has just emptied our wheelie bin. I am glad about that. Gives us more room to throw out more rubbish as it arises … at Christmastime there’s a lot of rubbish about.

The tree lights have gone out. I can’t fix them. I’ve done all I know. I suppose we can manage without them if we must.

Eileen Symonds at Penistone FM, a local radio station, best heard online, has asked me for a request to be played on her ‘Gift Box Special’ programme on Monday, 27th. December. If you want to know what I chose, please tune in to Penistone FM at 10 am. You can get there via Google.

I will be going to a service at Sheffield cathedral tomorrow, if the weather is no worse, and I hope to see you the other side of the turkeyfest. Have a super time. Cheers.

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